The power of with.
With passion.
With purpose.
With you.
About Our Company
Larsen Architects has impacted community development throughout northeast Ohio and beyond.
We embrace the power of "with" in every project, taking on a diverse range of work—from community and municipal developments like recreation centers, police and fire stations, and civic centers to park projects, residential spaces, and interior design. With passion, purpose, and collaboration, we create spaces that strengthen communities and serve those who use them.

While we have grown over the past four decades from a small team of young architects to an established practice with a global perspective, we remain a community-centric partner to every client in our portfolio.

Today, every organization must be considerate of, if not concerned about its influence on the environment. Sustainability isn’t just a good idea, it is a necessity.

Great architecture results from great architects. Likewise, great communities result from great architecture created by passionate and skilled architects who are educated and invested in understanding architecture’s role in the community.